philippe hurel: traits
philippe hurel - d'un trait (extrait)traits: album of music by philippe hurel.
grand prix de l’académie charles cros – 5 diapason – 5 étoiles, classic voice – sélection du grand prix des lycéens
album contents
cycle traits
1 d’un trait [2008] 9’27 for cello (1)
2 trait [2014] 10’18 for violin (2)
3 trait d’union [2013] 12’57 for violin and cello (1,2)
4 cantus [2006] 22’06 for soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano (3)
5 plein-jeu [2010] 11’21 for accordion and electronics (4)
all music composed by philippe hurel.
(1) alexis descharmes, cello
(2) alexandra greffin-klein, violin
(3) ensemble court-circuit, jean deroyer, direction, elise chauvin, soprano
(4) pascal contet, accordion
(1)(2)(3)(4) recording: alexis baskind, in the “muse en circuit” studios, centre national de création musicale
(5) recording : camille giuglaris
(5) computer music production: alexis baskind; electronics produced in cirm studios, centre national de création musicale
editing and mixing: alexis baskind
record production: philippe hurel, alexis baskind
duration 66’24
with the support of mfa / fcm / la muse en circuit
a motus album