(painting and artwork joel grip)
antonio borghini and alexis baskind
when will never meet – inside alan schachtelkopf
once upon these times in berlin lives someone named alan schachtelkopf whose main daily concern consists of performing and listening to bizarre music in baroque combinations of human beings and sounds. as his ability to communicate suddenly fades away, his mind, free from his will, starts to recollect memories, recombine fragments of phantasized music, a mosaic of shredded sounds and languages, performed by musicians who never met, recomposed by and for himself, the only audience of a non-existing concert.
when will never meet is a project conceived by antonio borghini and alexis baskind, the soundtrack of a fragmentary transforming movie. engaging many musicians of the berlin scene performing in solo or in small bands, this soundtrack is a collage of the impossible, a mosaic of wishes and lost opportunities, the dream of a lonely demiurge.
when will never meet is neither about recollected past, nor about projection in a near future. it’s a subjective constructed snapshot of one possible deconstructed here and now.
when will never meet: a phantasy movie in perpetual becoming by alan schachtelkopf, with (in order of appearance):
dj illvibe
antonio borghini
olga nosova
andrea neumann
matthias müller
liz allbee
kai fagaschinski
michael thieke
steve heather
rico repotente
grégoire simon
anil eraslan
rudi fischerlehner
mat pogo
christian lillinger
ignaz schick
alexis baskind
giorgio pacorig
almut kühne
gerhard gschlößl
axel dörner
tobias delius
louis laurain
pierre borel
hannes lingens
tristan honsinger
conceived and produced by antonio borghini and alexis baskind
recorded, mixed and mastered by alexis baskind (« manunkind » session recorded by christoph schlimbach)
painting and graphic design by joel grip
a topsi series / umlaut records production (2021)
fragments of the movie
part 6 – spreekreisschifffahrtsgesellschaftstouristenselfiestangenhauptknopf (made by anil eraslan)
part 7 – über das taubenproblem (made by léa lanoé)
part 9 – smalltalk über zeit (made by joel grip)
1 – kleiderordnung (5:51)
instant-composed by antonio borghini, olga nosova, and dj illvibe
contains excerpts of a, b
2 – irrenanstalt buch, festes haus (7:54)
post-composed by alexis baskind
contains excerpts of a, c, d, e, f
3 – das schiffchen fliegt, der webstuhl kracht (12:23)
post-composed by antonio borghini
contains excerpts of b, c, d, f
4 – niemand ist hier geboren (5:48)
post-composed by alexis baskind
contains excerpts of a, d, g, h
5 – but being (4:59)
composed by antonio borghini
lyrics by dylan thomas
contains excerpts of e, i, j
6 – spreekreisschiftfahrtsgesellschaftstouristenselfiestangenhauptknopf (3:49)
post-composed by alexis baskind
contains excerpts of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l
7 – Über das taubenproblem (8:00)
post-composed by antonio borghini
contains excerpts of f, g, i, j
8 – du bist bereits auf der anderen seite (7:25)
post-composed by antonio borghini
contains excerpts of a, d
9 – smalltalk Über zeit (17:05)
post-composed by antonio borghini
contains excerpts of e, k, l
session list
a – sheeps
olga nosova – drums, vocals
dj illvibe – turntable
antonio borghini – electric bass
b – andrea neumann
andrea neumann – inside piano
c – carpet below
michael thieke – clarinet
kai fagaschinski – clarinet
liz allbee – trumpet, conch shell
matthias müller – trombone
d – heather / repotente
steve heather – drums
rico repotente – electric guitar
e – il salto del dogo
antonio borghini – double bass
grégoire simon – violin
anil eraslan – cello
rudi fischerlehner – drums
f – peepholes have the power
mat pogo – vocals
liz allbee – trumpet, conch shell
antonio borghini – double bass
steve heather – drums
g – lillinger / schick
christian lillinger – drums
ignaz schick – turntable
h – al schachtel
alexis baskind – electronics
i – manunkind
almut kühne – vocals
michael thieke – clarinet
gerhard gschlößl – trombone
giorgio pacorig – piano
antonio borghini – double bass
j – an kopf
antonio borghini – double bass
k – hook, line and sinker
tristan honsinger – cello, vocals
antonio borghini – double bass
tobias delius – tenor saxophone, clarinet, vocals
axel dörner – trumpet
l – die hochstapler
louis laurain – trumpet
pierre borel – alto saxophon
antonio borghini – double bass
hannes lingens – drums