- A. Baskind, J.C. Messonnier (2016), Bipan: An Experimental Mixing Tool for 3D-Audio on Headphones with Open- Source Head Tracker, proceedings of the 29th Tonmeistertagung (VDT International Convention) (Bipan project)
- A. Baskind, J.C. Messonnier, (2016), Für mehrere Wiedergabesysteme produzieren – Ein Ansatz der objektbasierten Musikproduktion, in VDT-Magazin n°2/2016
- A. Baskind, T. Carpentier, J.-M. Lyzwa, O. Warusfel (2015), Surround and 3D-Audio Production on Two-Channel and 2D-Multichannel Loudspeaker Setups, 3rd International Conference on Spatial Audio, Graz (Transpan project)
- S. Bertet, A. Baskind, A. Londero, L. Bonfils, I. Viaud-Delmon, O. Warusfel (2013), Design and evaluation of tinnitus synthesis methods: from spectral to spatial matching, American Journal of Otolaryngology, vol. 2, n° 34
- A. Baskind, T. Carpentier, J.-M. Lyzwa, O. Warusfel, M. Noisternig (2012), Use of binaural and transaural spatialization techniques in multichannel 5.1 production, Tonmeistertagung, Köln (Transpan project)
- A. Londero, I. Viaud-Delmon, A. Baskind, O. Delerue, S. Bertet, P. Bonfils, O. Warusfel (2010), Auditory and visual 3D virtual reality therapy for chronic subjective tinnitus: theoretical framework, Virtual Reality vol. 14 n° 2
- J.-M. Lyzwa, A. Baskind (2009), Use of binaural and transaural spatialization techniques in multichannel 5.1 production: technical and aesthetic principles, from recording to post-production, invited presentation to the 7th Conference of AES Brasil, Sao Paolo
- J.-M. Lyzwa, A. Baskind (2009), Binaural/transaural techniques in music post-production, la Semaine du Son, Paris
- S. Bertet, A. Baskind, A. Londero, O. Warusfel, I. Viaud-Delmon, P. Bonfils (2009), Definition of a procedure for creating a synthetic tinnitus auditory image, 3rd Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting, Stresa, Italy (abstract)
- A. Baskind (2003), Modèles et méthodes de description spatiale de scènes sonores, Thèse de Doctorat, IRCAM / Université Paris 6
- A. Baskind, A. de Cheveigné (2003), Pitch-tracking of reverberant sounds, application to spatial description of sound scenes, AES 24th conference “Multichannel Audio – The New Reality”, Banff
- A. de Cheveigné, A. Baskind (2003), F0 estimation of one or several voices, Eurospeech, 833-836
- A. de Cheveigné, R. Gretzki, A. Baskind, O. Warusfel (2002), Effects of natural and artificial spatialization cues on segregation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111, 2422
- A. Baskind, O. Warusfel (2002), Methods for blind computational estimation of perceptual attributes of room acoustics, présenté lors de la AES 22nd International Conference, Espoo (Finlande)
- A. Baskind, O. Warusfel (2001), Monaural and binaural processing for automatic estimation of room acoustics perceptual attributes, présenté lors du 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome
- A. Baskind, J.-D. Polack (2000), Sound power radiated by sources in diffuse field, présenté lors de la AES 108th Convention, Paris
- A. Baskind (1999), Etude de la puissance acoustique rayonnée en champ diffus, Mémoire de DEA (Master), Université Aix-Marseille 2 / Laboratoire d’Acoustique Musicale